

  1. 答:1 Do you have breakfast every morning?
    2 what do you usually eat at breakfast?How to arranged meat and vegetables at dinner or lunch?
    3 Do you like sports?How often do you exercise? What kind of sports do you kie?
    4 What else do you eat besides dinner?
    5 How long do you sleep every day?From when(what time)to when(what time)
  2. 答:1 Do you have breakfast every day?
    2 What do you eat in breakfast? How to arranged in pairs or groups of meat or fish and vegetable dish?
    3 Do you like sport? How often do you have sports? What sport do you like?
    4 What else do you eat besides dinner?
    5 How long do you sleep every day? From when to when?
  1. 答:In order to gather more marketing information and enhance our service quality, could you please do us a favor plete this survey? Thank you for you kind favor!
    1. How often do you go to a restaurant?
    More than twice a week= once a week=once in a fortnight =not exactly
    2. Is our price acceptable for you?
    Yes= a little high= a little cheap =the perfect price in you mind is------
    3. Where did you know our restaurant?
    From newspaper==friend’s mendation=have a sight when passing by= by other ways
    4. Are you satisfied with our service?
    It’s perfect= mediocre=no so good=horrible
    5. Do you get any suggestion for our service?
  2. 答:1. How often you go out for eating in restaurants?
    more than twice a week□ once a week□誉态
    once in 2 weeks □ random□
    2. How do you feel about our price list? Is fortable to you?
    can be acceptable□ a little bit higher□
    a little bit lower □
    The price you'd like to accept______
    3. From where you get know our restaurant?
    Newspapaer□ □ From friends□
    I'm just walking pass by□庆明源 Others□
    4. What do you feel about our serive? Is it satisfactory?
    Good□槐大 Fair□ Not so good□ Bad□
    5. Do you have any advise or suggestion for our further improvement? Thanks!
  3. 答:1. do You often go out to eat in restaurants?
    More than twice a week □ □链橡 weekly □ bi-weekly □ is not fixed
    2. can you accept the meal's prices in our Restaurant ?
    yes □ a little high □ a little low□ what's your ideal prices of our meals?______
    3. how do You know where our shop is?
    by Newspaper □ by Web □ by friend □ pass by to see□棚芹旁 Other □
    4. are You satisfied with our service ?
    of course □ just so so □首慎 a little poor □ poor
    5. what's ments with our services?
  1. 答:1.女
  2. 答:1.性别:男
    5.课下巩固时缺仿间: 4-6小时
  3. 答:1.女 2.其他 3.其他 4.有 5.1-3小时 6.口语 7.借助一些APP、听歌、看电影
  4. 答:我也不知道,嗯,赚个积分,麻烦你赞下,谢谢啦!
  5. 答:可能要来回运费谁出的是我
